Contact / Impressum
where to buy
Before you buy, please read the disclaimer, because there's a number
of rumors about the C-One out there. We really don't want you to buy something with the wrong
The C-One project caused huge losses for Individual Computers. While the C-One boards are
gaining popularity with the ongoing development, we had to quit giving margin to resellers
in order to keep the heavily subsidised price. This means that any board or FPGA extender
card must be shipped from Germany. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
individual Computers Jens Schönfeld GmbH
legal stuff
Inhaltlich verantwortlicher gemäß §6 TDG:
Jens Schönfeld
Im Zemmer 6
52152 Woffelsbach
Fax: +49 (0)241 12088
(fax only, no telephone support)
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